
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Week 7 Blog Post:

Art as a Culture (70 pts)

1. Functions of Early Art: In this assignment folder is a link to a walk-through of the Lascaux Caves in France. Access the link and explore the cave paintings. There is also a link to background information on the cave site and I encourage you to review this as well. Then answer the following questions (25 points):

a. What were the cave artists trying to say?

à Lascaux shows the timeline during the Upper Paleolithic time and the era’s art. The cave artist trying to say that during the era that the images of large animals carved into the cave walls are already existed and most of the fossils carve lived in the area at that time. The carvings consists of animals, abstract and human figures though the cave shown nearly 2000 figures. In Norbert Aujoulat, between 1988 and 1999 research at Lascaux, the horse is always plotted first followed by aurochs and deer. The animal’s carvings represent the seasonality of animals in which horses were used in early spring, aurochs in summer and deer in fall. This carving also symbolizes the mating seasons of animals that link to the biological time.

b. Why do you think that there were so many animals and not as many people in the paintings?

à The animals represent the biological time of which it also indicates the animals used for the season. It also represents that animals that carve or paint, were their main livestock.

c. What can the paintings tell us about other aspects of the life of cave dwellers or Paleolithic people?

à The paintings tell us about the good harvest, good and bad season of biological time, the drought times. It also denotes that animal husbandry and agriculture are the main living of people during the Paleolithic era. The carving also symbolized as message of the events that linked to their daily lives and of their way of living.

d. What difficulties did these early humans navigate in order to paint these pictures?

à One of the possible difficulties that these early humans navigate in order to paint these pictures would be the communication as early people express their message through painting, probably they have difficulty in preserving their artistic way through painting and would think that painting or carving in the cave would preserve their work of art,  the season or the weather could be the main factor as hindrance to paint, the difficulty in recording the events of their life particularly their lifestyle, their livestock, the events that happens through the time of harvest either in abundance or drought times and also their paintings tells the seasons of hardship and abundance of their living.

e. Speculate as to three (3) possible functions of this art to early humans.

à 1. To convey message and serve as a form of communication

2. To indicate the events of their life, their lifestyle, the good and bad harvest, animals that exists and used during their time, the weather, the drought times

3. To represent the people and their culture, their talents through carvings and paintings

2. Commonalities in Function: Compare the possible functions of the art from the Lascaux Caves to modern art, in all of its various forms. What are some commonalities in function you can find in how the art of early humans and modern humans? (10 pts)

à The commonalities from Lascaux Caves to modern art are the representation of daily lives, the artistic expression of emotions, recording daily lives, another commonality could be the purpose of communication to the people, the expression of the real meaning of the painting and to convey a message. The recording of history and events could also another commonality between the Lascaux and modern art. In comparison, the Lascaux Caves shows the timeline of people's hardship, livestock, harvest and it also shows the recording of the events through the biological time. While modern arts shows more of the peoples emotions, events, the art, the lifestyle. I think another difference is that modern arts is basically follows certain pattern or theory of arts like it could be impressionism or expressionism or rennaisance.

3. Introduce Us to Your Favorite Art: Include in your post at least one image and/or a link (5 pts) to a video depicting an art form you would like to explore. This could be a specific type of art (i.e., ceramics, photography, etc.), music (classical, blues, grunge, etc.), performance art, or any other type of art you might want to present. Then answer the following questions:

Girls at the Piano by Renoir 1892
My Favorite Art has something to do with paintings. I love paintings and I sometimes paint. There is a real life, a real meaning of what was the painter is trying to convey through painting. I like the work of Pierre Augeste Renoir, the impressionalist, between 1800 to 1900.  Renoir’s paintings element is woman and the feminine sensuality. I admired how he paint women and put the expressions on their faces. The vibrant, saturated colors used in his paintings gave more life that implied the impressionalism style of painting. As impressionalist the characteristics of painting include relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes; open composition; emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, common, ordinary subject matter; the inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience; and unusual visual angles.

The ball of the Moulin de la Galette by Renoir

On the Terrace by Renoir
1881 painting; oil on canvas
a. For those who practice this form of artistic expression, what function does it serve? What are they trying to communicate? (5 pts)

à It serves as painting of the modern life. It tries to convey the real world of life that I believe also conceals the painter’s emotions, personality, experiences and his painting techniques.
b. Is there a complete culture surrounding this art form, i.e., a language, a set of behaviors, form of dress, etc.? Describe and identify the features of this culture. (10 pts)
à Yes. In Renoir’s painting, most of his painting’s shown a conservatively dress women that depicts the era of 1800-1900.  During these times, women dress conservatively and show how women have the conservative expressions. Since Renoir is French most of his subjects and location of paintings is in France. The hats, the umbrella, the long waffle gown of women shows the conservative culture of women during the 1800.
c. How does this art form (and its culture) benefit society? Are there any detrimental affects? (5 pts)
à It benefits the society as this part of their history. I believe that paintings also tell the history of the society. I would say there is a detrimental effects because of time evolution, the lack of appreciation of paintings as many new generations are now bombarded with new technologies they never really learn how to appreciate paintings or the real art, the availability to see the paintings in the internet and not in actual paintings, lack of enthusiasm in the world of arts while many new generations are into computers and some never learn the value of arts as part of history, traditions, and cultures.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week 6: Politics and Violence

Week 6:
Politics & Violence
In this assignment folder on Blackboard, you will find an online link to an article by Napolean Chagnon entitled, Blood Revenge and Warfare in a Tribal Population”. Read the article and then follow the directions below to create this week’s blog post.

The Yanomamo

1.       Rules or laws against killing are essentially a cultural universal, meaning all cultures have rules regarding the killing other people and the punishments for breaking these rules. How do the Yanomamo rules regarding killing and the consequences for breaking these rules differ from the rules in Western cultures in general? (5 pts)

Ø  The difference between the two in general is the interpretation the rules or law. Yanomamo rules is about primitive warfare where it is base on blood revenge and killing is like an act of a bravery, a conquer and success that builds close kinship while Western culture rules/law is base on the human rights and constitution and taking other people’s life is an act of disgrace, immoral, unethical and totally prohibited.

2.       Describe the process of revenge killings as it is expressed in Yanomamo populations. (5 pts)

Ø  The process of revenge killings as it is expressed in Yanomamo populations is through warfare. Though many men who are unokais died and men mortality rate is too low because of the result of violence death almost eliminating half of the population of Yanomamo’s men. The tribe is in constant conflict against the neighboring tribe and women and children are basically the victims of the conflict. They raid the neighboring village brutally, violently killing men, many children and women are captured, raped, keep them in their tribe and marry them. Revenge killings are a dangerous for those who take part because many men from the tribe were violently killed too.

3.       What are the benefits of obtaining the status of unokais? How do they compare to the benefits of being a non-unokais? Why would a man choose to become an unokais instead of being a non-unokais? (10 pts)

Ø  Men who are in the warfare can gain marriage, power, close kinship, and reproductive success benefits while the non-unokais men are less attractive and has less success in gaining marriage and reproductive as a result it will concede their reproductive opportunities.

Ø  Comparing the benefits the non-unokais believe that by not engaging in the warfare that would go to help the mortality rates of children, women, and specially men. Though non-unokais has less advantages in reproduction some believe that by not engaging in warfare would somehow preserve life among men.

Ø  Man choose to become an unokais instead of being a non-unokais because of the reproductive success and it also indicates of greater success in finding a mate and men who are unokais are consider attractive mates because of being strong and brave while the non-unokais considered coward. The unokais has more opportunities and privilege of kinship as well.
4.       Identify and describe the relationship between revenge killings and these aspects of the Yanomamo culture. How do they influence and affect each other?
a. Political structure (5 pts)
Ø  Politically structure the Yanomamo’s has its own aspect of system of governing people. The tribal war is common to the tribes who believe that killing is a justification of who goes beyond their law since each tribe has their own laws or rules. Revenge killings and Raiding (attacking the neighboring villagers) pertains to secure and protect their tribe against the other and serve as a status quo of their own tribe. Each group has one or more political leaders which called the headmen.
b. Social Status/Social Organization (5 pts)

Ø  Part of the warfare in the tribe it gains men for a symbolic status. A status symbol of being brave and strong gains them benefits and favor amongst the women in the tribal group and kinship within the tribe. However, when the tribe raids the other villagers they also captured women and make them wives as like a price or trophy of success in their quest of revenge or raid. Yanomamo’s usually practices polygamy as result of extended family and men can have six wives simultaneously. Having a large family is considered prestige to the group.
c. Kinship (5 pts)

Ø  They show their kinship revenge and raid. Blood revenge is a powerful motive among Yanomamo and other tribal groups. Revenge raid promote kinship. However, some unokais migrate from one village to the other; they are also subject of raid and are considered their enemies. Though, Yanomamo’s are attacking or raiding is lead by the prominent men in the group. Another function of kinship is resources which composed of people from the tribe if they need more people in warfare or raid. They believe that having a close kin helps them to be more secure and protected. The village is also composed of people related to member of their own lineal descent group through male links and related to members through consanguine marriages and matrilateral ties.
d. Marriage &Reproduction (5 pts)
Ø  Men basically are the subject of warfare. Many of them consider it as a status symbol and gain more favor in marriage and reproduction. There is an absence of marriage ceremonies in the Yanomamo tribe. Polygamist by nature, men practice fairness among the wives to avoid jealousy. The Yanomamo men express dominancy or control in relationship and physically abuse most of their wife/wives to keep them faithful and docile. Many women among the tribe prefer to marry men within the tribe to avoid conflict. According to the article its “reciprocal marriage exchanges between such groups over generations.” Practicing polygamy is very common among the tribe thus having a large family is considered honor pride and success among men.

5.       Behaviors that are usually labeled as “anti-social”, such as killing other people, are generally thought to be a bad thing to do under most circumstances, other than defense. Why do we need laws against something that no one should want to do? Use your reading of the article to help you explain your answer. (10 pts)

Ø  Killing other people is generally anti-social and against human rights. Basically it is labeled as anti-social and thought this is an inhuman act other than defense because taking other lives is against human rights and cause the loss of the abilities that the person has. Killing is basically violating the right to live. Even no matter what’s the intent to do such act, human can’t take other human life by killing. However, if the act of killing was done due to self defense still the person is liable to the law of taking other’s life. Depending on the level and the malice of the act thus killing is categorize into murder, homicide or manslaughter and each has its own legal definitions, mitigating circumstances and a specific law or punishments. Except the soldiers who has moral justification of war. We need laws against something so we can be socially organized. Without the law we     would probably just like any primitive people who can do whatever they can do and cause chaos all over. Laws also protect our civil or human rights. Laws protect and secure us. Laws give justification of any wrongful acts that violates civil rights.

In the article, the Yanomamo’s has its own law and interpretation and justification of the killings; though in my own view, it doesn’t justify the way they kill people including women and children violently however it has been a tradition and part of their culture. I believe when a certain act is believe to be conditioned in human brain as acceptable within a group, the act become a rightful act and thus this certain act becomes justifiable. Thus, they do not see or view that killing or taking people’s lives is malicious, immoral or unethical. They view killing as part of their culture, for protection, security and mostly gain reproduction and status symbol. The Yanomamos tradition and culture is unique and reminds me of primitive warfare.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week 5: Family and Kinship

Week 5: Family and Kinship

A sample of an extended family

1.    Introduce your interviewee to your reader. Explain their relationship to your, where they were born and describe some of their background in terms of their social, cultural and ethnic background. (10 pts)

Ø  Elisa is an Ifugao, who lives in Baguio City before she migrates in the United States. Ifugao is a central part of Cordillera Administrative Region in Philippines. She’s a lawyer in the Philippines. I am not related to her but we came from same culture and country. She was born in Baguio City but both of her parents are Ifugao’s decent. Ifugaos are very creative like seen in their work through the Banaue rice Terraces, they are very industrious and friendly. Ifugao’s are larger part of Bontok and Kalinga people. They are very proud and practice their traditions and cultures which is also a big part of the tourism industry. The practice of rituals, customs and traditions still deeply observed like mummifying the dead people or relatives. Part of their practice traditions is offering animals to their dead ancestors. Ifugao’s speaks a Malayo Polynesian derivation language. Though she’s born in well educated family and migrates in the United States, some of her ancestors still practicing their customs and traditions.
2.   Briefly summarize your interviewing methods. Include your own thoughts and feelings as the anthropologist. Were you comfortable throughout the interview or were there times when you experienced awkwardness or discomfort with the subject matter? Do you think this affected the thoroughness of your interview? How would this be different interviewing someone unrelated to you? (10 pts)

Ø  I am felt awkward when discussing some topics about their culture because their ethnic culture is different from mine and also came from different ethnic group. Also there are traditions being practiced which I do not practice and which is not acceptable in my ethnic group. I think it affected the thoroughness of my interview because of I do not know the person very well and picking of the appropriate words, gestures and expressions used should be properly observed. I believe in each ethnic cultures have standard way of communication (which means words, gestures and expressions that’s acceptable to their culture).  Many ethnic groups are sensitive to word, gestures, and expressions used. Subject matter being discussed are about the their ethnic traditions, customs, language and other ethnical background however I should also careful observed my questions that could not lead to discrimination or being ethnocentric. The interview turned out to be a nice, meaningful and informative experience knowing that I heard it from the valid resources.

3.   Describe the kinship pattern of your family and explore any patterns you see, such as differences in closeness, socialization levels, and commonalities. Is there an emphasis on maternal or paternal lines? What are the attitudes toward older and younger individuals in your family? Is there a trend toward large or small families? Are there ethnic differences in different areas of your family that have a social impact on family relationships or affect social interactions? (20 pts)
"Mano" or "Mano po", a practice in Filipino culture
that shows respect toward the elders.
Ø  Traditionally we are a group of extended family and for us family is the center or the core of values. We have close family tie relationship. My maternal and paternal lines came from one ethnic group so there is not that much a big adjustment for both family sides because we practice same traditions, have same culture and speak same ethnic language. Basically, the main rule is respecting the elders. Sometimes opinions are least accepted from younger generations and always the elders have the right in making decisions and mostly younger generations should ponder thoughts and experiences from the elders in the family or clan. We are not allowed to call our elders through their first name because it is an act of disrespect and family and clan could dis-own you. Though calling names must comes with the title first. We used words that titles to address the elders and older siblings as a sign of respect. The criteria are on the different level of ordinal status in the family, gender and to the family degree of affiliation. We used titles to the elders within actual blood and to some non-blood line relationship (like the godmother and godfather). Another practice in the culture is giving respect to the elders by a physical gesture of taking the hand of an elder and bringing it towards your forehead. This is a sign of respect for the elder and is usually done at the point of greeting or farewell. Children are expected to perform this gesture towards adult relatives & adult family friends. Failure to perform "mano po" would be considered as disrespectful.

There is not that much trend between large or small family however we both have family gathering every week or twice a month basically for family ties and introducing new family members. Yes, there are family members (basically in-laws) came from different ethnic group. I would say there is a social impact because they came from different ethnic groups, traditions and practices. However, as we know each other and basically adapt and adjust different culture we get along with them and vice versa. Within clan, there are only 3 (including me) who are married from different race. This resulted to a very big impact especially to social interactions because some members of the family have a difficulty in communicating since some didn’t speak the language at all. My husband is a Caucasian has also experienced difficulty of communication with some members in the clan. He had also experienced culture shock. However, he adjusted well and though I know it is difficult for him to interact to some of the members in the family but he gets along with them and sometimes used sign or body language as another form of communication.

4. Conclude your post from your own perspective. (20 pts)

Do you know the relatives on both your mother and father’s side of the family well?

·         Yes.
Do you socialize equally with them? Why or why not?

·         When I was in my country, I socialize with them equally because each of us were taught to treat each one as equal person. However, in socializing aspect we treat our elders with outmost respect. Since I am in this country communication is somewhat expensive because not everybody has the access of technologies for communication.
Which members of your family have the most influence in decisions made in the family? Explore why this is the case.  

·         My parents are considered the most influenced person who makes decisions in the family. For us the elders have more knowledge about decision making and they have enough experience for the years they spent.

 Are family members who marry into the family treated differently than members born into the family?  

·         Once somebody married in the clan we treat them as one of our own. As well as we respect what ethnic group or race they came from.

Are their different attitudes towards family members based upon gender? Describe.

·         Basically yes. Since we practiced patriarchal. Well, I guess most of us do. Gender wise, traditionally women are just a housewife, cooks food, do laundry, clean house and takes care of children while the husband provide food, shelter, clothing and men also are the one who makes the family decision. However, there is also time evolution. Most family never practiced a traditional patriarchal system. Wife just like their husband both contributing financially in the household and both are involve in decision making. Though the head of the family is still the father.

What insights have you learned about your family through this exercise?

·         It reminds me of the culture that I came from and that each culture is unique and even no matter what ethic group or race you came from, the family always extend acceptance and mostly respect. That family is the basic foundation of the society and the core of values. Besides not all ethnic group are literate but still we show respect towards them. My grandparents never finished high school yet we listen to their words of wisdom and respect them. The key word is Respect. When somebody feels like that my or anybody’s idea and views is different we respect it and you must learn to respect it. We understand how to accept other ethnic groups around us because they are also part of the community. I do not condemn the practice of freedom of expression but here in this country, sometimes they used their freedom beyond the limit that even kids are the one who discipline their parents and not the parents who should impart discipline to their children. Neither we do not send our elders or old parents to Home of the Old people or so called nursing homes instead we take care of them and that’s how we show family values. Though many of us migrate in different country but the values, cultures, traditions still never forgotten. The kinship is still mutual even some do not live in the same area or country.

Kinship Family Chart
(My maternal family chart)

*Title used before the name (like Ate Sally, Kuya Richard, Lolo Ignacio, Tiya Benetta, Tiyo Ricardo)- title used before the first name as sign of respect.
^Universal title for both gender (male or female) but not necessary used as title before the names.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Subsistence and Economy

Week 4: Subsistence and Economy

Part 1. Subsistence

1. The benefits of both subsistence patterns;

 A) For hunters: it can feed the starving family, food sharing; the egalitarian social relations; flexible division of labor by gender; mobility.

B) For Agriculture: to produce mass production of food according to the demand, the technology and knowledge of proper farming and using the appropriate tools, the industrialization of food, the marketing  or trade and exchange of product.

2. The cost or the disadvantages of both subsistence patterns. For foraging, the supply of food might not be enough of a long period of time, cultural evolution like progress; intensive farming and the agriculture development with these the foragers will be left behind and have scarcity of food. Another is the natural phenomenon like weather especially for drought season where water or irrigation is the main source of agriculture system.

3. I would say both have its own advantages or that both provide a healthier diet. Before technologies exist there is food foraging. They have the natural, healthy diet because food comes from natural or organic which means no fertilizers or the artificial feeds for animals. During this time, the main way to search food is hunting, fishing and gathering wild plants. When the technologies impact the foraging mode of subsistence, food production goes to higher level. Many used fertilizers for agriculture products and feeds for animal herding or husbandry to produce mass supply of food and also to cope with the demand. There are many health and environmental issues upon using fertilizers and pesticides in farming and studies shows that many of these result into a diseases and would affect the human health not only in agriculture so as in the animal husbandry. However, now people can still have the nutritional diet because some produces food in a natural or organic way although today it cost much to live in a healthier diet though not impossible but it is feasible to have healthy diet.

4.  Human populations made the transition into agriculture basically it offers the new technology on how to produce food. The use of appropriate tools, irrigation, exact time (proper time of when the crop is best to plant); knowledge of the pros and cons of farming; fertilizers and pesticides. Another reason could be the mass production of food supply for the demand, the urbanization and peasantry which made a strong impact toward the culture change and into the subsistence, and the convenience of producing the food rather than foraging, the agri-business which people can make money through agriculture, the industrialization which many big companies give a living for small farmers though capitalism takes place however in some point it helps small farmers to continue cultivating their crops.

Part 2. Economics and Trade

1. Direct relationship between the availability of surplus and the ability to trade is that there are products or goods which it is distributed or transferred to the consumers and transaction of product involve between the surplus and the trade. The availability of surplus created a production of product where it can supply the demand and meet the desired equilibrium. The theory of supply and demand is an organizing principle for explaining how prices coordinate the amounts produced and consumed. In microeconomics, it applies to price and output determination for a market with perfect competition, which includes the condition of no buyers or sellers large enough to have price-setting power. While the ability trade is to do transaction or commerce the product in exchange from a buyer either monetary or other products.

2. The two social benefits of trade are the import and export of product. Through import and export there is cultural exchange, a marketing network, create partnership in economic development through international trade. In Asia, the ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was formed by the South East Asian countries for geo-political and economic organization. It aims to the development of economic growth, social progress and culture development. Another example of social benefits of trading is the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) composed of 21 countries including the United States. It aims to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout Asia-Pacific region. APEC’s main 3 pillars are: Trade and Investment Liberalization, Business Facilitation and Economic and Technical Cooperation.

3. The two negative social results of the development of trade would be capitalism and industrialization.  There is inequality, as wealth tends to redound to a small percentage of the population; the demand for luxury goods is often limited to a small percentage of the workforce and monopoly because of the power they gain in the free market. While small farmers left behind as they are the main labourer especially in agriculture system and thus sometimes they depend on the big companies with power to gain free market.
4.  The relationship between the development of agriculture and the development of trade. Through the evolution of agriculture it provides the impact of the environment, the production of the products, the support system of trading and the economic. Thus, trading results to the development of agriculture. Agriculture is considered as the main or primary material production and it provides the physical goods for society’s survival and I believe it is the foundation of trading. Thus, it is related to each other mainly for the products exchanges. With the high demand for food, the agriculture development help to produce the supply that must also meet the demand and maintain the equilibrium as a result the development of trade exist as it is considered the distribution of the products or goods in manner of exchange either reciprocity, redistribution and market exchange.