
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Conversation is one of the form of communication
Part I.
Since I do not have any children. I asked my husband to do the experiment with me.

à The so called conversation didn’t last for 15 minutes. I do not think it’s a conversation at all because I never interact with him. We find the experiment difficult because there is no way we could communicate or have a conversation without any symbolic language like speaking, writing and sign language. For me in communication is a process of delivering a message through actions, words or signs. Communication is an action, interaction or transaction. It is next to impossible to have a conversation or communication without the factor of the process of delivering the message. Though I can see, hear, observe and understand what my husband is trying to express or say but since I could not use any symbolic language, there is no communication at all. It is like I’m blocking myself to the communication process.

à The impression is like talking to a wall or falling on deaf ears. No answer, no movement, no expression, no sign, no communication at all. Of course he altered the way he communicates with me. He’s somewhat confused of what he will do to communicate with him.

à English language is considered the international language. I think people who can speak the English language has the advantage of communicating complex ideas whereas for culture I think both has its own way of communicating process.  There is a big advantage of a speaking culture to culture of a non- symbolic speaking language. There is a barrier of communication. In a communication process there is a source, the message, the channel and the receiver. Once it block by the other, there is no communication at all. Aside from people with speech deficiencies one of the biggest problem in communication is the comprehension or understanding exactly what one has try to convey the message. Another problem is the culture diversity. Like many cultures though some speak in English but the accent is different so the there is a barrier of conveying the message. Another hindrance of communication is between the source and the receiver of the message (age, gender, culture, education level and the socio-economic status)

Part 2.

à Yes, communications last for 15 minutes since we both speak same language. It is somewhat difficult because I couldn’t use my facial expression, my voice intonation or body gestures.

à My husband is somewhat bored and not really interested in the conversation because its lack of total interaction in the communication process. Though I can talk but without the use of physical embellishments, he finds the conversation not interesting and decided to end the conversation after 15 minutes.

à Yes. Through the experiment I realize how it is important to use signs, gestures and expressions in communication. It is important to use signs, gestures, expressions and the appropriate intonation so one can convey of what one is trying to express.

à Yes. I would say depending on what culture a person has. When some of my body language could pertain a different meaning to the other unless if both came from different culture then body language or gesture is one of the easy access of communicating. There is evidence that gestures vary from culture to the other.

Part 3.

à Experiment 1 is easier if it permits to use written language if in the situation where both speak and write same language. However, there is no exact feeling to written words. Meaning, one can write “I love you” even if he doesn’t really mean it. Another barrier could be the use of written words grammars and punctuations could also affect what would somebody try to convey in the written language. On the other hand if it pertains to two different culture and uses different symbolic language that would be a big barrier of communication.

à Culture in many ways has its own language and expresses it through writing either in symbols or in words. Symbols and signs in a culture is a representation of culture history. It is a form of identity of the cultures past and present. It’s also a way to convey of what the culture is all about. It is also that their own language either written or verbal will preserve culture from generation toward to the next generations.

à Written language has a big impact toward globalization because through the written language laws were imposed, messages were properly given, convey people on what one has trying to express, people unite. Perhaps language is the most powerful human symbol for without it I believe there is no unity, no communication, and no history.


  1. Wonderful post!

    You did a great job highlighting the problems with misreading body language in other cultures. Yes, that is indeed a problem.

    Isn't it interesting how your partner in the experiment gets bored when you don't use any self-expression or body language? I sometimes wonder if it is boredom or perhaps discomfort with half of the conversation missing and not knowing how to handle it.

    Great last section discussion the benefits but also the limitations (like expression emotion) with written language.

    Nicely done.

  2. Thank you Professor Rodriguez. Im learning a lot in this course. World is so lonely place to live without a voice though its not only through speaking we can communicate but still we need to express ourselves to make a voice, to have expression in the message we want to convey. I am thankful I can talk, I can make expressions and body gestures through the message I want to convey.

  3. I too completed the experiment with my husband, and found that it was nearly impossible to finish the full fifteen minutes and to have an effective conversation with him without using verbal, written or physical embellishments. Although I was able to use my words to talk to my husband, I wasn't able to use my hands or facial features to further relay my point. In keeping to the guidelines of the experiment, my husband seemed more focused on the fact that I wasn't using any gestures, that it took the focus away from the message I was actually delivering. I also agree that written language would have assisted this experiment however written language is only of use if both people have an understanding of the same language.

    1. In the rule of experiment dependent variable is what is affected by the independent variable -- your effects or outcomes. Just like you my husband find it so annoying talking me without any expressions or gestures. I think this is a human factor that when having a conversation we tend to look or consider the expressions and gestures as a sign of approval or disapproval.

  4. Sally- I really enjoyed reading your blog. My mother felt the same way about the exercise she was just as board as your husband. I also agree that English is an international language and I also heard that the English language is the hardest language to learn.
    My conversation only last about 10 minutes because it was so hard to communicate. I found this activity very difficult. I am a very expressive person and I think I rely on my expressions and gestures way too much. I also agree that using gestures really helps get any conversation or feeling across. Gestures do vary from culture to culture and it is interesting how every culture communicates differently but they are similar in some ways too.
    I think that written language is the most important part of language because people can express things in better with written language rather than verbal. People can now contact with people all over the world now with written language. You did a great post and it was interesting to read because it was very similar to mine. 
    ~Heather L. Gault

    1. Thank you Heather. I think it is a human factor that if we communicate we also consider the expressions, voice intonation and gestures for approval or disapproval of the message we want to convey.I think my husband as the dependent variable in this experiment, find it also annoying because he did the talking likewise I reply but no expression, voice intonation or gestures while in part 1, he seemed to be almost upset because I didnt reply at all hence i blocked myself from the conversation process.

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