
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fiancee Visa

When Love conquers all(Part-I)

I would like to share some information that I learned along the way through the visa process. Fiancee Visa is a non-immigrant visa. This is the visa for intention to marry your fiancé or fiancée in their country.  It allows the visa holder to stay and get married within 90 days. Marriage should take place within the 90 days as this is also the duration of stay. If in some circumstances and marriage is not consummated  within the duration of the 90 day period then the visa is considered nullified and void. When this happens  it is best to seek legal advice.

Before the visa processing.
Documentation is very important from the beginning of your relationship. You need to prepare to prove your relationship is genuine and continuous. You need to exchange written letters and posted it through physical mail. One of the reasons is the immigration will check the validity of a physical home address  and the dates on the letter. The length of time also signifies the genuineness of your relationship. There must be a constant communication through writing letters, emails, exchanging family photos and phone calls. Phone calls should be documented as well. Phone bills also help to prove your constant communication. 
Another proof of relationship is when your foreign citizen fiancé/fiancee requires to visit you. Always document everything through photos, plane tickets or hotel reservations. Keep any receipts or any papers that pertain to his or her arrival and visitation. One of my friends told me that she took pictures of her fiancé while he was reading a current local newspaper.
Prepare things ahead of time. Gather all your personal papers such birth certificate, passport, any identification card. Check your birth certificate like the spelling of your name, the gender and your birth date hence any simple error can delay the processing of the petition. Never overlook  these simple information because it could also lead to a denial of the petition.
Medical Records. St. Lukes is the official hospital designated for any medical exam regardless of any U.S visa. If you have a medical history, talk to your doctor before going to St. Lukes for a physical examination. 
Background check. Yes, this is very important that you have a clean background, no impending criminal records either. If you have been out of the country before the petition process then make sure you get a clearance.

During the processing.
When you have enough documentation then the filing of petition starts. The foreign citizen fiancée or fiancé will file a petition with USCIS and he is called the petitioner. The one that is being petitioned is called the applicant. He or she must be the  fiancé or fiancée of the petitioner.  You can download the current form  “Form I-129F- Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)” also you can download the instructions for filing and the requirements, fees, mailing address of the designated USCIS. All the information needed before, during and after the petition is explained in the instruction sheet. Always follow the instructions. If in any circumstances, talk to an immigration lawyer or call USCIS.

Always check the USCIS for updates or revisions of forms, fees or any additional information needed for the application process. Not all information or articles read can be as accurate as in your case. It is better to do your homework as well. Though blogs, readings and the articles on the internet can add some information.
I received a notification letter from the U.S Embassy stating my case number, date and time of the interview and the things needed to bring during the interview. It also stated in the letter that before the scheduled interview you must completed your medical examination. You must have completed medical examination a week before your interview. “A week before the interview” . Once you receive the letter mark the calendar and count  backwards from the interview date. If you have a doubt call St. Luke’s Hospital, Manila and they can help you.
I had two days for the medical examination processing. The first day is conducting all the tests and gathering your information. Note: Do not forget to bring your passport, the notification letter, some identification cards and any pertinent papers. The second day is for the test results and vaccinations. If you are confused then check the St. Lukes Hospital website.
After medical processing, the hospital will keep your passport and be forwarded to the U.S Embassy. Then you must have to wait for your interview date. Remember to be on time or at least before your scheduled time. The waiting line outside the U.S Embassy starts early in the morning and even as early as 4:30. I arrived 5:30  and was surprised that there are people who arrived as early as 4:00 AM.  Also research any near location of your stay like hotels  before the scheduled interview. You do not want to be late. I heard and read the article about dress code during the interview. I do not know how strictly the U.S embassy implemented about dress code but I wore a formal outfit. Just like when you are having a job interview.  Of course, no open toes high heels and you do not want to wear stilettos either because you will be standing in a line entering  the U.S embassy. No plunging necklines or skimpy, tight skirt or jeans. Make yourself presentable, you will be interviewed by an immigration officer. However , do not overkill it. It's good to wear make up but I would suggest, be minimal of everything and that includes wearing jewelries. No cell phones, cameras, videos are allowed inside the building. If you have a big family support then they have to stay outside the building. They are not also allowed to get inside. Only the applicant and in some cases the U.S citizen petitioner are allowed to get in. Bring all the gathered documents. I was even asked to show some pictures and I bring a small photo album too. I have everything arranged in the folder. In case they asked you for a copy or show a certain document then you are ready. Be familiar with the content of your folder. You do not want to look like you are not ready at all. I would suggest to bring a blazer because you will stay inside until your priority number is called. Anyway, the priority number will be given when you are inside the building. The blazer is to keep you warm while inside the building unless if you are used in cold area then you will be fine.

During the scheduled interview Biometrics will be conducted. Biometric scan is taking the applicant's fingerprints in the system. Next, all the applicant’s will wait their priority number to be called.  If they need any documents from you be sure to be ready. Then, another waiting time for the interview but you still be called through the priority number given. After the interview, I asked the immigration officer if I pass the interview and he said “Welcome to America”, so that means I pass it and approval of visa will come next. Do not be afraid to ask politely if you have any doubts. The immigration officers are very polite and courteous. After the interview, I was instructed to go to the area where I have to check my name and address correctly. This is for the mailing of the package. The package includes, the passport with the visa, the yellow packet and some instructions. Please read the instruction carefully and do not open the yellow packet. The packet will be open upon your arrival in the United States. The customs officer will open it and check everything inside the packet. Again, just be ready.  All the important documents should be in a carry on hand bag.  

Here's another thing to consider, never forget the CFO certification. Commission on Filipinos Overseas or CFO. Spouses, Fiancee of foreign national are required to attend the guidance and counseling. It would take 3 hours of counseling to secure a certification.  Check their schedule for the counseling and call them for reservation. They required documents to bring during the counseling. All information, requirements, schedule, contact number and fees can be found on their website. You can't leave the country without CFO certification.

After the interview, I went back home and just like any ordinary days. I went to work and after a week, I received the package. The passport was with a packet and so excited to see what the visa looks like. Well everything went well and ok. When doing this kind of processing, you must be updated and do your homework very well. My husband and I didn’t know anything about the processing. We spend time doing research and comply everything. One more thing, always follow instructions. Sometimes, the processing will be delayed due to misinterpretation or not following the instruction.

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