
Friday, December 13, 2013

To Rent or Not to Rent? that is the question

We are moving out from our house not only to downsize but also the market of the house plunges and it is not worth keeping for. Yes, one of our friends who are in real estate business advices us that it is not worth keeping. By the time we paid the house in 30-year non-fixed rate, we will be paying almost a $700,000.00 for an old, two-bedroom house. Since my husband plans to retire, we have to downsize. The market value of our house plunges and if we put it on the market we could not even sell it not even for the price of what is being paid for. I felt so depressed because I have never lived in the apartment or townhouses before. However, I should have to think of my husband too. This is what he really wanted besides he is not a handyman and maintaining a house cost us  an arm and a leg since my husband didn’t know a lot of things when it comes to a house.

So before taking steps and putting the house into a market, we decided to look for a nice place to stay. We have checked from mobile homes to a gated townhomes. Start with the mobile homes. Mobile homes are very convenient yet not that cheap either. To think, renting the lot will cost you about $700 to $900. In addition, you need to consider renting the mobile home for $300 to  $500. Of course, all renters are expected to pay their utilities. However, not all mobile homes are new most of them are older model.  Then,  we decided to check apartments. Most  apartments offer a lease for 6 months to a year. Renting will cost you from $1,100 to $1600 of course this will depend on how many bedrooms and bath you want. A single bed and a single bath will cost you about 1,100 on a lease price and terms. However, most of the single bedroom and single bath unit do not include washer and dryer and no garage attached to it. Every time, I ask the details I also ask the amenities, what has included in each unit. I love to have my own washer and dryer and of course, a personal garage attached to my unit. Some apartments offer these amenities, however not all.  Most of the time, you will find out tandem garages rather than side-by-side garage. The main problem  living in an apartment is the parking itself. Tandem garage could only occupy two cars as the word tandem means. Therefore, it is better to check these garages too. These garages are narrow but can accommodate two cars. Parking is very important to consider when moving. An average family has 2 or more cars so it is better to check the garage or parking on the terms of the apartment or townhouses. So then, we’ve been to 10 apartments. Each apartment has its own rules and regulations so it is better to ask the management  about it or at least have an idea. Among the 10 apartments, we’ve found couple apartments we like but why not try to look for a townhomes. Then we decided again to look for townhomes. We came to a very nice, new, gated Townhome. The gate is so nice that it makes me think as if we are in Beverly Hills. As we get in, we look around the area and seem nice and well maintained. So, we talked to the woman at the front desk. She’s very friendly and could really convince anyone to rent. After discussing the amenities, utilities, the regulations, the parking, and the fees, she toured us to the model homes. Wow, I am so impressed.  The space is just enough for me and my husband. We can use the gym, sauna, and swimming pool however, it is time regulated too. I just love the townhouse concept and the idea of having the garage attached to the unit. Now, my concern is what kind of neighbor I will have. Anyways, talking about having a neighbor that’s a different story. Even if you owned a house, it will never guarantee you having a good neighbor. While it’s already predicted in the Bible. “Love your neighbor as yourself” which means a neighbor to neighbor problems existed long time ago. Most of the time, you do not get along with your neighbor. I do not mind living in a very simple and clean place as long as I have good neighbors. We had a neighbor that lets their dog crap in our yard. It was disgusting and it really bothers you. However, talking to them will just get the problem worse. Some neighbors couldn’t just mind their own business. Some are not friendly and some are friendly.  Well, it seems you can't please everybody.

Well, hoping this move and being in a new place will give us satisfaction. Of course, there are pros and cons but it's how you handle things that matters. I do not think there is such a perfect place in this world while we always need to associate our self in the group through our workplace, driving and sharing the road to everybody and there’s always a mutual benefit and dependence. As they say, “No man is an island” and this is so true. Well, I pray we will have a good neighbor and just like anybody else who pursue a quiet, nice, and clean place to live in. Hoping everything will work out good and Good luck to us!!!

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